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Summit 4.0. Update on Actions Taken

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

A major action item from the Summit was the drafting of a letter to CoA asking CoA to recommend use of the Education and Training Taxonomy to describe training program educational opportunities by accredited programs and those programs seeking accreditation. A letter authored by the Summit 4.0 Planning and Followup Task Group was sent on June 2, 2020, nearly a year after the June 2019 Summit. This letter had signatories that included major training councils and other organizations represented at the Summit. View letter for details of the request to CoA, names of task force members, and the Signatory Organizations.

On August 25, 2020 the CoA responded to the request by the Summit 4 task force. The CoA leadership wrote that it had met and discussed the request of the Summit 4.0 Task Group. CoA reported that they had discussed the comments from the Summit contained in the letter at length, and they expressed "deep appreciation" for the work of the Task Group.. View letter for CoA response.

A second action item from Summit 4.0 was further Outreach and Communications about Specialties, Specialization, and Board Certification. A task group was formed with David Cox of ABPP as lead and members, Scott Sperling, Lesley Lutes, John Piacentini, and Toni Minniti. This task group has developed infographics for messaging about specialties, specialization and board certification. Additionally, they have developed materials that can assist training programs to understand and use the Taxonomy for program descriptors. They are taking lead in developing a website that will be linked through the CoS website for ease of access.

Lastly, the Fall virtual meeting of the CoS on November 14, 2020 will provide opportunity to further discuss effective plans for promulgation of the Education and Training Guidelines in collaboration with CRSSPP. The CoS meeting will also offer time for updates on progress by Outreach and Communication Task group. The Fall meeting agenda will include formation of a new Summit Followup Task Force and Summit 5.0 planning task force.



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